
Michael Douglas

Hello, I'm Michael.

Welcome to my UX/UI Design Portfolio and blog.


I was a Front-End Developer who burnt out writing code. So, I switched careers to UX/UI Design. During my last corporate design job, I focused on designing graphical user interfaces for web and mobile applications. I worked on the following types of projects:

  • Corporate websites
  • E-commerce platforms
  • Web and mobile applications
  • Single landing pages
  • Static sites
  • Graphics for marketing

Unfortunately, April 12th 2023, I was part of a mass layoff that eliminated my whole division of 200 people. This included our department manager Jon and my direct manager under him, George.

After struggling to find another corporate job for six months, and watching other companies preform mass layoffs, I decided working in the corporate world was too risky so I started my own business. Now, I run Starcore Labs offering design-related products and services.


My physical and mental health strongly influence my mindset, worldview, and decision-making.

  • I'm mildly autistic which means I am logical, detail-oriented, and analytical. I don't operate on vibes, vague language, or unspoken emotion-based social cues. I work best with clear specific language.
  • I have Type II Diabetes which I manage through a strict sugar-free diet. I avoid seafood because I think its gross.
  • I don't smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, consume caffeine or sugar. (caffeine gives me headaches)
  • I have allergies to mold, pollen, cut grass, cologne, perfume, oil diffusers, scented candles, incense, smoke, and pet fur. Any exposure usually causes me migraine headaches that last a few days. This is why I prefer staying inside.
  • Sometimes, when I'm stressed, I suffer from insomnia.
  • Due to my health issues I feel tired most of the time.


In my youth, I was too kind, trusting, and tried to help others. In return, I was lied to, insulted, and used. Because of these experiences, I've created boundaries to stop negative people from entering my life.

  • Prevention: I avoid people, places, and situations that might cause me problems now or in the future. I'm too old and tired to tolerate immaturity, games, disrespect, hostility, or attempts at manipulation and dominance. Don't bother.

  • Trust and Respect: My trust and respect must be earned over time through consistent words and actions. Like glass, once my trust is broken it cannot be repaired.

  • Anti-Discrimination: I don't tolerate discrimination or prejudice of any kind. No ageism, racism, sexism, or intolerance.

  • Braggers: You will get no attention, validation, or admiration from me. Don't waste my time bragging about what you've accomplished, where you traveled, or what you've bought. If a it doesn't add a day to my life or a dollar to my pocket, I don't care.

  • I'm Not a Therapist: I don't want to hear your tragic backstory or your current problems. I haven't fixed my issues so how the hell do you expect me to fix yours? I won't ask you to listen to my complaints, to fix my problems, or to be something you're not. Don't "should" on me and I won't "should" on you.

  • Main Character Syndrome: If you think the world revolves around you, or that you have any authority in my life, go pound sand! If you're not here to help me accomplish my goals, buy my products and services, or at least cheer me on, then leave me alone.

  • I Don't Work for Free: If you want my ideas, suggestions, or advice on any topic we can negotiate a price. If you need graphic design services my business website has a list of prepaid plans. Otherwise, search on Google for free information.


  • I have a positive growth mindset where I'm constantly learning new things.
  • I'm motivated by an inner drive to create things and be better than I was yesterday.
  • I use Psychology and Stoicism to evaluate and interact with people while remaining calm.
  • I focus on what I can do to create positive solutions. While letting go of what's out of my control.


  • Critical Thinking, Logic and Reason
  • Evidence-Based Decision-Making
  • Creativity
  • Humor
  • Maturity
  • Empathy
  • Kindness
  • Patience
  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Cooperation
  • Self-Control
  • Self-Discipline
  • Skills and Knowledge


  • Individualist: I prefer spending time improving my knowledge and skills while working toward my goals.

  • Abundance: I know there are more than enough resources to go around. I'm confident in my skills to create or earn what I need and want.

  • Critical Thinking: I remain calm and skeptical, take time to think critically, and ask questions. I attempt to verify information and claims before accepting them as facts. If they cannot be verified, they are not accepted.

  • Silence: I'd rather spend quiet time alone than in loud crowded places.

  • Clean: I prefer clean, organized, and sanitized indoor environments.

  • Atheist: I don't believe in any gods, the supernatural, or anything without physical evidence. I prefer critical thinking, logic, and dealing with reality as discovered by science. I respect the beliefs of others so long as they don't attempt to push them onto me.

  • Anti-Political: In my opinion, American Politics is run by the old golden rule, “Those who have the gold, make the rules”. I don't have the money, influence, or authority to lobby (bribe) congress for preferential treatment or to change laws. That means my vote might be counted, but it doesn't matter. It is a waste of my time to talk about politics.


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Stoicism
  • Psychology
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Graphic Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Comic Books
  • The card game: Magic The Gathering
  • Video Games
  • Anime
  • TV Shows
  • Movies