Learn UX Design
Below is a list of YouTube Videos, Websites, Books, Full Courses, and other resources I used to learn UX/UI Design for free.
I took notes while learning and then spent time trying to design stuff. My skills have grown through use.
A manager I respect once told me, "Done is better than perfect".
Why learn UX/UI Design?
- Why, How, and When to Change Careers to UX Design
- How I Became a UI/UX Designer in 3 months
- How I Became a UX Designer with No Experience or Design Degree
- Become a UI/UX designer in 2022 (with a detailed roadmap)
Professional Skills
- The Most Powerful Mindset for Success
- Neil deGrasse Tyson on who to hire
- The First 20 hours
- How to Learn Faster with the Feynman Technique
- Top 10 Soft Skills For Better Career
- Fundamentals of Critical Thinking
- UX Resume Dos and Don'ts
- Essential UX Interview Questions
- Top Common UX Design Career Paths
- The First 90 Days Checklist for UX Designers
What is UX Design?
- What Is User Experience (UX) Design?
- What Does a UX Designer Do?
- What is the difference between Graphic Design and UX/UI Design?
Graphic Design
- A Brief History of Graphic Design
- Graphic Design Principles
- Beginners Guide to Graphic Design
- Photoshop for Beginners
- Adobe Illustrator for Beginners
Fundamentals of Graphic Design
- Line
- Color Theory
- Shape
- Texture
- Space
- Form
- Typography
- Contrast
- Hierarchy
- Alignment
- Balance
- Proximity
- Repetition
UX/UI Design
- UX Crash Course
- UX Design Course Tutorial for Beginners
- The UX Design Process
- The Laws of UX - 19 Psychological Design Principles
- Adobe XD 2022 Crash Course
- Free Adobe XD Tutorial
- Free Figma UX Design UI Essentials Course
- 15 Best UX/UI Design Certificate Courses
- Free Online UX Design Courses
Basics of UX/UI Design
- User Research
- Journey Maps
- Personas
- User Flows
- Usability
- Accessibility
- Mobile First Design Principles
- Understanding Responsive Design
- Wireframes
- Mockups
- Prototypes
Basics of HTML and CSS
- NOTE: Designers should never be expected to write code. But, they should know the limits of the technology.
- Does a UX designer need to know how to code?
- Learn HTML & CSS in 2022
Beginner Projects
- Start by recreating a web page. Learn to use your tools by copying.
- Use the "fireshot" browser plugin to take a full screen screenshot of a web page. Import it into your design tool. Then, recreate the site as close as possible.
- When you encounter a component like a dropdown, checkbox, or radio button. Go learn how to make it. Then come back to your project and add it in.
- Redesign an existing website with your own ideas.
- Designing a web and/or mobile app from scratch.
- How to Create Your First UX Design Portfolio
- How to Design Your UI/UX Case Study
- Don't Write UX Case Studies the Bootcamp Way
Below is a list of resources that will help you on your path.
- fonts.google.com
- dafont.com
- fontsquirrel.com
- urbanfonts.com
- cufonfonts.com
- fontspace.com
- fontbundles.net/free-fonts
- fontfabric.com/free-fonts
- unsplash.com
- pexels.com
- pixabay.com
- freepik.com
- kaboompics.com
- freeimages.com
- burst.shopify.com
- stockvault.net
- icons8.com
- iconsax.io
- iconscout.com/free-icons
- fonts.google.com/icons
- feathericons.com
- flaticons.com
- thenounproject.com
- Humaaans.com
- Undraw.co
- Icons8 Illustrations
- Blush.design
- Opendoodles.com
- Free Illustrations
- Craftwork Freebies
- Illustration System
- color.adobe.com
- coolors.co
- colorhunt.co
- khroma.co
- colors.muz.li
- paletton.com
- flatuicolors.com
- interface colour
3D Packs
- UX Planet
- Timeless UX Design Principles
- UX Design on Reddit
- UX Project Checklist
- Good UI
- 8 Psychology-Based Design Hacks That Will Make You A Better UX Designer
- Eye-Opening Examples of Good & Bad UX Design
- White space in UX design
- The 5 Biggest UX Mistakes Turning Your Users Off
- Don't Make Me Think
- Design Basics Made Easy
- How to Be a Graphic Designer without Losing Your Soul
- Know Your Onions: Web Design
- Burn Your Portfolio: Stuff they don't teach you in design school, but should
- Don't Make Me Think, Revisited
- Smashing UX Design: Foundations for Designing Online User Experiences
- UX Design: A Field Guide To Process And Methodology For Timeless User Experience
- Designing Interactions
- Universal Principles of Design
- 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People
- Branded Interactions
- The Elements of User Experience
- Atomic Design
- Design for How People Think
- Laws of UX: Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services
- The User Experience Team of One: A Research and Design Survival Guide
- Lean UX: Designing Great Products with Agile Teams