Hot Wings and Horror Movies
This is a simple Halloween celebration for people who don't like candy. Or, for diabetics like me who cannot consume sugar.
Instead of dressing up, decorating, or passing out candy on Halloween, I've been doing Hot Wings and Horror Movies since 2015.
How it works
First, I pick one or two horror movies to watch on Halloween. Then I make a plate of hot wings that pair with the movies. I'll add a drink or sauce depending on how I feel. I usually go for boneless wings, but traditional wings with bones can be good too.
Then I dig into the wings to get a good burn going before I start watching the movie. This is a delicate balancing act. I want a spicy burn that enhances the horror movie-watching experience, without being distracting. What I like in terms of flavor and heat level is up to my subjective tastes and tolerance level. Which might be too much for someone else.
Pairing guide
I love classic medium-strength wing sauce. Mild doesn't give me the burn I want and hot can be distracting, depending on the movie I'm watching. For monster movies I prefer Caribbean Jerk.
It's up to you to decide which flavors of wing sauce pair better with different kinds of horror movies.
Here's a simple chart I made to help you find a good pairing.
This chart is based on my preferences. I like the heat of the sauce to match the intensity of the movie. However, your mileage will vary. Pairing hot sauces with horror movies is a subjective art in itself.
If you're having fun, you're doing Hot Wings and Horror Movies right. Happy Halloween!